Self Care

Self Care

Live well

Child Immunisation

One of the most important things that a parent can do for their child is to make sure that they have all their routine childhood vaccinations. It’s the most effective way of keeping them protected against infectious diseases.

Ideally, kids should have their jabs at the right age to protect them as early as possible and minimise the risk of infection.

Vaccination Checklist

Here’s a checklist of the vaccines that are routinely offered to everyone in the UK for free on the NHS, and the age at which you should ideally have them.

2 months:

  • Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib, a bacterial infection that can cause severe pneumonia or meningitis in young children) given as a 5-in-1 single jab known as DTaP/IPV/Hib
  • Pneumococcal infection
  • Meningitis B
  • Rotavirus

3 months:

  • 5-in-1, second dose (DTaP/IPV/Hib)
  • Meningitis C
  • Rotavirus

4 months:

  • 5-in-1, third dose (DTaP/IPV/Hib)
  • Pneumococcal infection, second dose
  • Meningitis B, second dose

Between 12 and 13 months:

  • Meningitis B, third dose
  • Hib, fourth dose (Hib/MenC given as a single jab)
  • MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), given as a single jab
  • Pneumococcal infection, third dose

3 years and 4 months, or soon after:

  • MMR second jab
  • Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis and polio (DtaP/IPV), given as a 4-in-1 pre-school booster

Around 12-13 years girls only:

  • Cervical cancer (HPV) vaccine, which protects against cervical cancer: three jabs given within six months

Around 14 years:

  • Diphtheria, tetanus and polio booster (Td/IPV), given as a single jab
  • MenACWY

Vaccines For Risk Groups

People who fall into certain risk groups may be offered extra vaccines. These include vaccinations against diseases such as hepatitis B, tuberculosis (TB), seasonal flu and chickenpox. See the NHS Choices pages on vaccines for adults to find out whether you should have one.

Read more about vaccines for kids on the NHS Choices website.

Stop Smoking

Want to quit?

Talk to your GP,

contact your local NHS stop-smoking services,

or call the NHS Smoking Helpline on 0800 328 8534

GPs are delighted to help people who have decided to quit smoking. About 40% of smokers will die from a smoking-related condition, so they know that stopping is one change that will make a big difference to your life.

Patients will see health benefits within days, such as improved taste and smell, while important benefits, such as lower risks of heart attack, stroke, lung cancer and improvements in breathing will happen in the first year or two.

Your GP will probably have been chasing you to stop smoking if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, circulation problems or history of stroke, heart attack, angina, asthma or chronic lung disorders.

There are excellent local NHS stop-smoking services. These NHS services are very good at tailoring treatment to your lifestyle habits. With medication and the support of these services, you’re four times more likely to give up successfully.

Read more at Smokefree

Read more at NHS Choices

Get Fit For Free

The secret to getting fit for free is to use every opportunity to be active.

Armed with a bit of get-up-and-go and good planning, you can be fitter than ever without spending a penny.

NHS Choices have enlisted the help of top fitness experts to help you explore new ways and places to exercise for free. Click on the following to find out more:

Birth To Five

Your NHS guide to parenting in the early years

Whether your child is a newborn, a toddler or a pre-schooler, this Birth to five guide is for you. It has 150 pages of NHS-accredited information, videos and interactive tools to help you through the parenting process.

They answer all your questions, from how to soothe a crying baby to how to prepare your child for school. Learn how to spot the signs of serious illness, how to cope if an accident happens, and how to check your child’s development.

And they haven’t forgotten about you: as a parent or carer, your wellbeing is crucial too. The guide covers all you need to know about your health after having a baby, as well as your rights, benefits and NHS services.

Baby Essentials

Health and Development

You and Your Life

Mental Health

One in four affected

It’s easy to think that mental health issues don’t concern us, but in fact a quarter of us will have problems with our mental wellbeing at some time in our lives.

Mental health problems are equally common in men and women, but the types of problems differ. Women are one-and-a-half times more likely to be affected by anxiety and depression, while men suffer more from substance abuse (one in eight men is dependent on alcohol) and anti-social personality disorders. Men are also more prone to suicide: British men are three times more likely than British women to die as a result of suicide.

Serious mental health problems are also more common than you might think. One person in 100 has a severe mental health condition such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.

All these figures are based on people who have sought help for their mental health problems. Many more could be living with undiagnosed mental health issues, according to mental health charity MIND.

If you’re worried about your mental health, or if someone in your life is affected, there are plenty of ways to get help. Find out more about mental health support.

You can also contact mental health charities such as Sane and the Mental Health Foundation.

Read more at NHS Choices


Contraception is free for most people in the UK. With 15 methods to choose from, you’ll find one that suits you.

Contraceptive methods allow you to choose when and if you want to have a baby, but they don’t protect you from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Condoms help to protect against STIs and pregnancy, so whatever other method of contraception you’re using to prevent pregnancy, use condoms as well to protect your and your partner’s health.

Where to get it

Contraceptive services are free and confidential, including to people under 16 as long as they are mature enough to understand the information and decisions involved. There are strict guidelines to for care professionals who work with people under 16.

You can get contraception free from:

  • most GP surgeries (talk to your GP or practice nurse),
  • community contraceptive clinics,
  • some genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics,
  • sexual health clinics (these offer contraceptive and STI testing services), and
  • some young people’s services (call 0800 567123).

Find sexual health services.

Many of these places also offer information, testing and treatment for STIs. If you’ve been exposed to the risk of pregnancy, you’re also at risk of catching an STI.

Before you make an appointment, make sure you’re as informed as possible about the contraceptive options available. People’s choice of contraception may vary over time, depending on their lifestyle and circumstances.

Contraception and menopause

Women who have sex with men and don’t want to get pregnant need to keep on using contraception until they haven’t had a period for more than 12 months (menopause).

This is because periods can become irregular before they stop entirely, and pregnancy can still occur during this time. Find out more about menopause.

The methods of contraception

There are lots of methods to choose from, so don’t be put off if the first thing you use isn’t quite right for you; you can try another. You can read about each of the different methods of contraception by visiting these pages:

There are two permanent methods of contraception:

To find your nearest contraception clinic you can use the NHS Choices service search. Enter your postcode, click ‘search’, then click ‘contraception’.

You can also look in the phone book under ‘sexual health’, or use the fpa clinic finder.

You can find out more about each type of contraception by contacting:

  • CASH on 0300 303 8565.
  • Brook Advisory Service (for under-21s) on 0800 988 2209.

In addition to your chosen method of contraception, you need to use condoms to prevent STIs. Always buy condoms that have the CE mark on the packet. This means that they’ve been tested to the high European safety standards. Condoms that don’t have the CE mark won’t meet these standards, so don’t use them.

Winter Health – Beat The Blues

Winter depression (seasonal affective disorder or SAD) is thought to affect up to one in 15 Brits every year between September and April. Many more of us (about 17%) get a milder form of the condition, known as the winter blues.

Key symptoms

  • depression
  • sleep problems
  • lethargy
  • overeating
  • irritability
  • feeling down and unsociable

According to Sue Pavlovich of the Seasonal Affective Disorder Association (SADA), these 10 tips could help. “Everyone’s affected differently by SAD so what works for one person won’t for another. But there’s usually something that will help, so don’t give up if the first remedy you try doesn’t work. Just keep trying,” she says.

1. Keep active

Research has shown that a daily one-hour walk, in the middle of the day, could be as helpful as light treatment for coping with the winter blues. Read more about walking to get fit.

2. Get outside

Go outdoors in natural daylight as much as possible, especially at midday and on bright days. Inside your home, choose pale colours that reflect light from outside, and sit near windows whenever you can.

3. Keep warm

Being cold makes you more depressed. It’s also been shown that staying warm can reduce the winter blues by half. Keep warm with hot drinks and hot food. Wear warm clothes and shoes and aim to keep your home between 18C and 21C (or 64F and 70F degrees). For further information on what you can do, including applying for grants to keep your home warm, read our article on keeping warm and well.

Severe symptoms

If your symptoms are so bad that you can’t live a normal life, see your GP for medical help. 

4. Eat healthily

A healthy diet will boost your mood, give you more energy and stop you putting on weight  ove r winter.  Balance your craving for carbohydrates, such as pasta and potatoes, with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

“Some people tell us that taking extra vitamin D helps,” adds Pavlovich. Good food sources of vita min D include oily fish and eggs. 

Read more about healthy eating.

5. Lighten up

Light therapy can be effective in up to 85% of diagnosed cases. One way to get light therapy at home in winter is to sit in front of a light box for up to two hours a day.

Light boxes give out very bright light that is at least 10 times stronger than ordinary home and office lighting. They’re not available on the NHS and cost around £100 or more.

“Some people find that using a dawn simulator [a bedside light, connected to an alarm clock, which mimics a sunrise and wakes you up gradually] as well as a light box can enhance the beneficial effect,” says Pavlovich

The SADA Information Pack contains full details of recommended light box manufacturers and how to use them.

6. Take up a new hobby

Keeping your mind active with a new interest seems to ward off symptoms of SAD, says Pavlovich. “It could be anything, such as playing bridge, singing, knitting, joining a gym, keeping a journal or writing a blog. The important thing is that you have something to look forward to and concentrate on,” she adds.

7. See your friends and family

It’s been shown that socialising is good for your mental health and helps ward off the winter blues. Make an effort to keep in touch with people you care about and accept any invitations you get to social events, even if you only go for a little while. It will really help to lift your spirits.

8. Talk it through

Talking treatments such as counselling, psychotherapy or cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can help you cope with symptoms. See your GP for information on what’s available locally on the NHS and privately. Or, read this article on how to access talking treatments.

9. Join a support group

Think about joining a support group. Sharing your experience with others who know what it’s like to have SAD is very therapeutic and can make your symptoms more bearable.

SADA is the UK’s only registered charity dedicated to seasonal affective disorder. It costs £12 (£7 for concessions) to join and you’ll receive an information pack, regular newsletters, discounts on products such as light boxes and contacts for telephone support.

10. Seek help

If your symptoms are so bad that you can’t live a normal life, see your GP for medical help. 

Read more about the treatment of seasonal affective disorder.

More Winter Health at NHS Choices

Summer Health

Barbecue Food Safety

It’s important to cook food thoroughly at a barbecue to avoid food poisoning. Food poisoning is usually mild, and most people get better within a week. But sometimes it can be more severe, even deadly, so it’s important to take the risks seriously. Children, older people and those with weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable to food poisoning.

The two main risk factors to cooking on the barbecue are:

  • undercooked meat
  • spreading germs from raw meat onto food that’s ready to eat

This is because raw or undercooked meat can contain germs that cause food poisoning, such as salmonella, E.coli and campylobacter. However, it’s easy to kill these germs by cooking meat until it is piping hot throughout.

When you’re cooking any kind of meat on a barbecue, such as poultry (chicken or turkey), pork, steak, burgers or sausages, make sure:

  • The coals are glowing red with a powdery grey surface before you start cooking, as this means that they’re hot enough.
  • Frozen meat is properly thawed before you cook it.
  • You turn the meat regularly and move it around the barbecue to cook it evenly.

Remember that meat is safe to eat only when:

  • It is piping hot in the centre.
  • There is no pink meat visible.
  • Any juices are clear.

Hay Fever – Allergy UK helpline: 01322 619898

Hay fever affects around 20% of people in the UK. Lindsey McManus of Allergy UK offers some tips on avoiding the causes and reducing your symptoms.

“The main triggers of hay fever are tree and grass pollen,” says Lindsey. “The pollen count is always higher when it’s a nice, bright, sunny day.”

Top Tips:

  • If grass makes you sneeze, get someone else to mow your lawn. If you react to grass and you spend time on the lawn, you’ll get symptoms.
  • Create a barrier by smearing Vaseline inside your nostrils.
  • Don’t sit outside between 4pm and 7pm or in the early morning, as the pollen count is highest at these times.
  • Don’t sleep or drive with the windows open, as this will allow pollen to come in.
  • Damp dust regularly.
  • Wash your hair. Pollen is sticky and may be in your hair.
  • Vacuum. Pollen can live in carpet for up to three months.
  • Talk to your GP or pharmacist about any treatment you’re taking for hay fever as it might be worth trying a new treatment. The same antihistamine [anti-allergy treatment] doesn’t always work for someone year after year. Try something different, such as a nasal spray or a new antihistamine.

Sun Safety

It’s important to protect your and your children’s skin in the sun to avoid sunburn and heat exhaustion.

Click here for NHS Choices Questions and Answers


Knowing how to treat an insect sting and how to recognise when it needs medical attention will help you do the right thing if you or your child are stung.

Insects such as wasps and bees sting as a defence mechanism (when they feel in danger) by injecting poisonous venom into the skin. For most people, stings are painful but harmless. But some people can have an immediate allergic reaction to being stung, which can be very dangerous.

Click here to read more about stings

More Summer Health at NHS Choices

Travel Vaccines

There’s no point spending hours choosing your swimwear, beach bag and flip-flops if you barely think about the bugs and other health risks that could ruin your holiday.

Almost one in four UK holidaymakers don’t get any vaccinations despite travelling to areas that have life-threatening infectious disease.

Find out which travel jabs you need for your destination.

It’s not worth skipping travel vaccinations. Infectious diseases can make you very sick, spoil your holiday and even kill or cripple you.

Vaccinations protect you against many travel-related infections, such as yellow fevertyphoid and hepatitis A. Use the information on these pages to learn about travel vaccines, which ones you need for your destination, and when and where to get them.

For additional general information, read our articles on travel health.

The vaccines

The vaccinations currently available for travellers abroad.

More on the vaccines

What’s available on the NHS?

Some travel vaccinations are freely available on the NHS. Others are only available privately.

More on NHS and private travel jabs

When and where

Where and when to have your travel jabs.

More on where and when


Looking after someone?

Caring for someone can be very difficult and many people find that they need extra help with the care they provide.

Find out what support you might be able to receive here – provided by NHS Choices. This page also provides lots of help and advice.

Carers Direct – 0808 808 7777

Free, confidential information and advice for carers.

Lines are open 8am to 9pm Monday to Friday, 11am to 4pm at weekends. Calls are free from UK landlines or you can request a free call back.

You can also ask for a call back in one of more than 170 languages.

You can send a query to our advisers by email.

Find out more about the Carers Direct helpline.

Who Do I See?

Who is the best Healthcare Professional to see for the following conditions:

Abdominal Pain

Alcohol Advice

Who do I see?
Alcoholic’s Anonymous

Please visit alcoholics anonymous.

Further information and support about Alcohol from NHS UK.

Blocked ears (wax)

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

A pharmacist can help with earwax build-up

Speak to a pharmacist about earwax build-up. They can give advice and suggest treatments.

They might recommend chemical drops to dissolve the earwax. The earwax should fall out on its own or dissolve after about a week.

Do not use drops if you have a hole in your eardrum (a perforated eardrum).

Find a pharmacy

Non-urgent advice: Important Information

Do not use your fingers or any objects like cotton buds to remove earwax. This will push it in and make it worse.

Blood Tests

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse or HCA (Health Care Assistant)/Treatment Room Nurse

Appointments for blood tests MUST have been requested by your doctor or other health care professional.

Further information about blood tests from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP

Further information about boils and carbuncles from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
GP or A&E for severe symptoms

Telephone 999 or 111 if symptoms are severe.
For less serious breathing issues such as COPD or chest infections.

Further information about breathlessness from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Practice Nurse/ Urgent Care Centre if severe

If severe, please search for your nearest Urgent Care Centre.

If not, please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Further information about burns and scalds from NHS UK.

Cervical Smear

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse (female)

Once you are invited, please book an appointment with the Practice Nurse on a day that you are not bleeding or on your period.

Further information about cervical screening from NHS UK.

Chest Pain

Who do I see?
GP or A&E for severe symptoms

Telephone 999 or 111 if symptoms are severe.

If not severe and has lasted for more than a few days;

You can book an appointment with your the surgery.

Further information about chest pain from NHS UK.

Chronic Heart Disease

Who do I see?
GP/Practice Nurse

Annual clinic appointments will be sent to all CHD patients, please ask for an earlier appointment if worried.

You can book an appointment with the appropriate healthcare professional, or alternatively, please phone the surgery to arrange your appointment.

Further information about heart disease from NHS UK.

Constipation or Piles

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if persists more than 1 week

Search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about constipation from NHS UK.

Further information about piles (haemorrhoids) from NHS UK


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if persists for more than 3 weeks

Search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information how to treat your cough from NHS UK.

Dementia Screening

Who do I see?

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about Dementia from NHS UK.

Depot Injection (contraception)

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse

Please book to see the GP for an initial assessment and the nurse for repeat prescriptions once you are completed your first 3 months of medication.

Please ensure your smears are up-to-date.

You can book an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Further information about the contraceptive injection from NHS UK

Diabetes Monitoring

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse/Health Care Assistant/GP

You can book an appointment with the surgery.

Further information about diabetes from NHS UK.

Diet/Lifestyle Changes

Who do I see?
Health Care Assistant or Practice Nurse

You can either book an appointment with appropriate healthcare professional, or alternatively, please phone the surgery to arrange your appointment.

Further Information about Diet from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Practice Nurse or HCA (Health Care Assistant)/Treatment Room Nurse

You can either book an appointment with the appropriate healthcare professional, or alternatively, please phone the surgery to arrange your appointment.

Drug Addiction

Who do I see?
Talk to Frank or Alcoholic Anonymous

Information about drugs please visit: Talk To Frank.

Please phone: 0300 1236600, for self-referral help.

For further information concerning alcohol please visit: Alcoholics Anonymous UK.

Call free: 0800 9177 650 or Email AA

Ear Care/Ear Wax

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse or HCA (Health Care Assistant)/Treatment Room Nurse

Search for your nearest community pharmacist

If you think you may need ear irrigation (‘syringing’ ) please book an appointment with the appropriate healthcare professional, or alternatively please phone the surgery to arrange your appointment.

Further information about ear wax build up available from NHS UK.

Emergency Contraception

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/Family Planning Clinic/GP

Search for your nearest community pharmacist,
 or for your nearest Family Planning Clinic

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about emergency contraception available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP

Find a pharmacy near you.

You can either book an appointment with the appropriate healthcare professional, or alternatively please phone the surgery to arrange your appointment.

Further advice about flatulence available from NHS UK.

Flu Vaccine

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse/ HCA (Health Care Assistant)/Treatment Room Nurse.

You can either book an appointment with the appropriate healthcare professional, or alternatively please phone the surgery to arrange your appointment.

Further information about the flu vaccine from NHS UK.

Fungal Infections

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if it persists

Search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Genital Infections including Herpes

Who do I see?
Genitourinary (GUM) Clinic/GP

Find a GUM clinic near you.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about sexual health available from NHS UK.

Head Injuries

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP/Urgent Care Centre if severe

Please search for your nearest Urgent Care Centre,
 or search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about head injury and concussion from NHS UK.


Who do I see?

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about headaches available from NHS UK.

Housing – letter of support

Who do I see?
We normally do not provide this service – Advice and help is available from Shelter England

From time to time GPs are requested to provide reports for the patients to Local Housing Authorities and Housing Associations. This is not part of our core services and therefore we may charge an appropriate fee for the work involved or  we may refuse to do it. Please check with our reception team.

Further information and help is available from Shelter England


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if it persists

Please search for your nearest community pharmacist

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about indigestion available from NHS UK.

Insect Bites

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if severely infected

Please search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about insect bites and stings available from NHS UK.

Insurance Reports

Who do I see?
GP Surgery Receptionist

Completion of forms, certificates and medicals are not covered under the NHS. Please read the form carefully and fill in and sign any parts that you need to complete before you bring the form to the surgery.

We ask that you allow up to 21 days for the process to be completed, you will be contacted by phone when your form is ready for collection.

Medication Reviews

Who do I see?
Clinical Pharmacist/GP

You can book an appointment with the Pharmacist or GP.

Please ensure you have had your annual bloods in advance of the appointment and bring all your medications with you to the review.

Missed Contraceptive/Emergency Contraception

Who do I see?
Family Planning Clinic/Community Pharmacy/Practice Nurse/GP

For emergency contraception, please find your nearest community pharmacy. For other issues please search for your nearest family planning clinic .

You can book an appointment with the Practice Nurse/GP.

Further information about contraception from NHS UK.

Mouth Problems

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/Dentist/GP for Dental abscess if not emergency dentist available

Please book an appointment with your dentist or find a dentist near you: NHS Find Dentist Services, or you may find your nearest community pharmacy.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Neck Pain

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if it persists

Please search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about neck pain available from NHS UK.

Panic Attacks

Who do I see?

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about panic attacks available from NHS UK.

Period Problems

Who do I see?

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about period problems available from NHS UK.

Pneumoccocal Vaccine

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse/ HCA (Health Care Assistant)/Treatment Room Nurse.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about the pneumococcal vaccine from NHS UK.

Rectal Problems

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if persists for more than 7 days.

Please search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Shingles Vaccine

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse/ HCA (Health Care Assistant)/Treatment Room Nurse.

You can book an appointment with the appropriate Nurse.

Further information about the shingles vaccination available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if it persists

Please search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about sinusitis available from NHS UK.

Smoking Cessation

Who do I see?

You can also visit Smokefree, or find out more from NHS UK.

Sore Penis

Who do I see?
Sexual Health Clinics/GP if it persists

Find your local clinic.

You can book an appointment with the GP.

Further information about penis problems, available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if it persists over 7 days/Urgent Care Centre


Please search for your nearest community pharmacist.

If it is a suspected serious injury, please search for your nearest Urgent Care Centre.

You can book an appointment with the GP.

Further information about sprains and strains available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/Optician/GP if it persists

Please search for your nearest opticians or search for your nearest community pharmacist

You can book an appointment with the GP.

Further information about styes from NHS UK.

Termination of Pregnancy

Who do I see?
Sexual Health Services/Family Planning Clinic

Termination of Pregnancy service is for women who are pregnant and want to discuss their pregnancy options, which might include having a termination. Your local clinic will offer advice and information, and can help you with a hospital appointment if that is what you decide to do.

Find pregnancy termination services

Further information about terminating your pregnancy 

Tiredness and fatigue

Who do I see?

Feeling exhausted is so common that it has its own acronym, TATT, which stands for “tired all the time”.

Further information and help is available from NHS UK

If you feel that you are still experience symptoms of tiredness, please book an appointment with your GP.

Urine Infections

Who do I see?

Please bring a urine sample into the consultation; sterile pots available at reception.

You can book an appointment with the GP.

Information about Urinary tract infections (UTIs) available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Please search for your nearest community pharmacist who can advise on over the counter treatments available.

Further information about warts and verrucas available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP

Please search for your nearest community pharmacist.

For babies and toddlers, or if it persists longer than 1 week in children and adults, please book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about diarrhoea and vomiting from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP

Please search for your nearest community pharmacist who can advise you on over the counter treatment options. 

Further information about warts and verrucas from NHS UK.

Acute Asthma

Who do I see?
Attend walk in centre or A&E

For routine asthma care, please book to see the Practice Nurse.

Further information about Asthma from NHS UK


Back Pain

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/ Physiotherapist / GP after 7 days

Search for your nearest community pharmacist.

Further information about back pain from NHS UK.

Alexander technique for back pain

Extensive coverage has today been given to a study that found the Alexander technique – a method of teaching improved posture – is beneficial for easing back pain. The study on the technique involved over 500 people with chronic back pain from general practices across the UK. It found that people who received one-to-one instruction in the Alexander technique, along with exercise, had reduced back pain and improved disability after one year compared to those receiving standard care.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse

These can also be performed at most local pharmacies. If the results are high, a GP appointment would be needed for further evaluation.

Further information about blood pressure from NHS UK.

Blue Badge Forms

Who do I see?
Contact your local Council directly or Apply online

To apply for a Blue Badge parking permit, you need to contact your local council. 

The Blue Badge Scheme is for people with severe mobility problems. Blue Badge holders are able to park close to where they need to go. The scheme is managed by local authorities who deal with applications and issue Blue Badges.

GOV.UK has more details about the Blue Badge scheme, including information about applying for a Blue Badge.

Breastfeeding Advice

Bruised Ribs

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacist/GP / UCC

For pain relief, please search for your nearest community pharmacy. For difficulty breathing, please book an appointment with the surgery.

Further information about broken or bruised ribs from NHS UK.


Who do I see?

Please book your appointment with the surgery.

Further information about cellulitis from NHS UK.

Chest Infections

Who do I see?
GP if persists for more than 1 week, or other chest issues (asthma)

You can book an appointment with the surgery.

Further information about chest infection from NHS UK.

Coils or Implants

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse/GP/Sexual Health Clinic

You can book an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Information about contraceptive implants.

Information about coils.

Where to get an IUD

You can get the IUD for free, even if you’re under 16, from:

  • contraception clinics
  • sexual health or genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics
  • GP surgeries
  • some young people’s services

Find you nearest sexual health clinic.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Search for your nearest community pharmacistAntibiotics are NOT needed for the common colds, as colds are caused by a virus.

Further information about colds from NHS UK.

Contraception and Family Planning

Who do I see?
GP/Practice Nurse

Contraception and family planning appointments are available in any routine GP clinic.

Please ensure your smears are up-to-date.

Please book to see the GP for an initial assessment and the nurse for repeat prescriptions once you are completed your first 3 months of medication.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor/Practice Nurse.

Further information about contraception from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Practice Nurse/GP

You can book an appointment with the Practice Nurse/ Doctor.

Further information about cystitis from NHS UK.

Dental Problems

Who do I see?

Please book an appointment with your dentist or find a dentist near you: NHS Find Dentist Services. NHS 111 can advise on an emergency dentist if needed.

Please note: The Doctors do not see dental problems.


Who do I see?

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about depression from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacist/GP if persists longer than 7 days or in a career dealing with food or caring for others

Search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about diarrhoea and vomiting from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
See the Practice Nurse or Healthcare assistant, immediately before a GP appointment

You can book an appointment with the Nurse.

Further information about Dizziness from NHS UK.

DWP: GP letters for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Employment and Support Allowance

Who do I see?
We are unable to provide letters of support

The DWP will usually contact your GP or healthcare professional to obtain medical evidence when you submit a PIP or ESA claim, the information is then sent to the DWP as part of your claim process. 

We are therefore unable to provide additional letters of supports as the information we provide, will normally be included in the report requested by the DWP. We therefore regret that we cannot provide additional letters of support. However you may request your medical records if you feel this may help your case. If you wish a copy of your medical records, please contact the practice who will advise you accordingly. There is no charge for a copy of your records.

We have provided some useful contacts shown below to help you:

Useful contacts
Action for M.E.
Information and support for people with M.E. and their carers General enquiries: 0117 927 9551 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm).

Online M.E. CentreAction for M.E

Welfare Rights Line: 0845 122 8648 (times vary)

Citizens Advice Bureau
Offers advice on a range of issues and may complete a benefits check for you. Find your local Citizens Advice Bureau.

Disability Information and Advice Line (DIAL)
To find your local DIAL office, contact Scope, 6 Market Road, London N7 9PW Tel: 0808 800 3333

Disability Rights UK
Factsheets on benefits, tax credits and independent living from disability rights uk

Local councils
Some local councils employ welfare rights workers. Your local council may also have information about other services that offer welfare rights advice in your area.


Who do I see?

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about earache available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if persists for more than 4 weeks or is infected

Search for your nearest community pharmacist

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about eczema available from NHS UK.

Eye Injuries

Who do I see?
Urgent Care Centre/A&E if severe

Please search for your nearest Urgent Care Centre
. If severe, please go to your nearest A&E department.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if persists for more than 7 days or difficulty breathing

Search for your nearest community pharmacist.

Please book an appointment with your GP.

Further information about flu from NHS UK.

Forms, certificates and medicals

Who do I see?
GP Receptionists

A medical examination will be booked if necessary.

Completion of forms, certificates and medicals are not covered under the NHS. Payment for reports must accompany the request or appointment booking (i.e. in advance).

Charges are aligned with the BMA’s guidelines. Please read the form carefully and fill in and sign any parts that you need to complete before you bring the form to the surgery.

Please allow up to 21 days for the process to be completed, you will be contacted by phone when your form is ready for collection.

Please note we do not sign passport forms.

General Advice

Who do I see?
Self-Care/111/Community Pharmacy

Please visit the NHS UK information home pages. You can also telephone 111 for any non-urgent medical issues or you can search for your nearest community pharmacist.

Hay Fever

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy

Hay fever medications are available from the chemist without needing to see your GP.

Search for your nearest community pharmacist.

Further information about hay fever available from NHS UK.

Head Lice

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/School Nurse/Practice Nurse

Please search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

Further information about head lice available from NHS UK.

Holiday Cancellation Certificate

Who do I see?
GP Surgery Receptionist

Please attend in person or post the documentation and payment.

Holiday Cancellation forms are not covered by the NHS, there will be a charge for this service.
Payment for reports must accompany the request or booking (i.e. in advance). Charges are aligned with the BMA’s guidelines. Please read the form carefully and fill in and sign any parts that you need to complete before you bring the form to the surgery.

We ask that you allow up to 21 days for the process to be completed, you will be contacted by phone when your form is ready for collection.


Who do I see?

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about hyperventilation available from NHS UK.

Infected Wounds

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse

You can book an appointment with the Practice Nurse.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP

Search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about insomnia available from NHS UK.

Medical Reports

Who do I see?
GP Surgery Receptionist

Completion of forms, certificates and medicals are not covered under the NHS. Please read the form carefully and fill in and sign any parts that you need to complete before you bring the form to the surgery.

We ask that you allow up to 21 days for the process to be completed, you will be contacted by phone when your form is ready for collection.

Mental Health

Who do I see?
GP/Mental Health Support Services/Samaritans

These are helplines with specially trained volunteers who’ll listen to you, understand what you’re going through, and help you through the immediate crisis.

Samaritans operates a free service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for people who want to talk in confidence. Call them on 116 123 or visit the Samaritans website.

Find out how to deal with a mental health crisis or emergency

Further information from NHS UK How to access mental health services

To see your GP

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.


Who do I see?

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about moles available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
111/Urgent Care if severe/GP if several episodes

Pinch nose (do not lean head back) and apply ice pack. Find out more information about nose bleeds. If concerned, you can ring 111, or search for your nearest Urgent Care Centre.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Passport Forms

Who do I see?
We do not sign passport forms

Passport forms are not covered by the NHS.

Accepted occupations that can countersign your passport photo.


Who do I see?

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about phobias available from NHS UK.


Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if persists for more than 7 days.


Please search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information – Rashes in babies and children

Removal of Stitches

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse/ HCA (Health Care Assistant)/Treatment Room Nurse

You can either book an appointment with appropriate healthcare professional, or alternatively please phone the surgery to arrange your appointment.

Sick Note (Fit Note)

Who do I see?
Self certify first 7 days, then routine GP appointment

Employees unable to work because of coronavirus can now access a digital isolation note from without having to go to the doctor.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

If you have been discharged from hospital, your hospital team will issue any fit notes for the entire period of your recovery. Please contact the ward staff (even after discharge). Schools should not request a GP letter to confirm absence, this can be written by a parent or guardian.

A Fit note can be backdated if required, please discuss this when you see the GP. Please do not request an emergency or urgent appointment for fit note.

Employees unable to work because of coronavirus can now access a digital isolation note

Self – Certificate.
You can obtain this form from your employer or by visiting the HMRC website. If you are unwell for more than four days you are advised to arrange an appointment to see a Doctor to assess your fitness to work.

Private Certificates
If you or your employer require further information concerning your period(s) of illness , then your Doctor may require to issue you with a letter. Please note that a charge may apply for this service. Please check with our reception desk.

Skin Conditions

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if it persists

Please search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about common skin conditions available from NHS UK.

Sore Eyes

Who do I see?
Optician/Community Pharmacy/GP if it persists

If severe, please go to your nearest A&E departments. Please search for your nearest opticians or search for your nearest community pharmacist.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Sore Throat

Who do I see?
Community Pharmacy/GP if it persists

Please search for your nearest community pharmacist.

If you have a sore throat, there are a number of ways you can help yourself. Paracetamol can help with the pain, andgargling with warm, salty water may help shorten theinfection (but this isn’t recommended for children). In most cases, you only need to see your GP if your sore throat doesn’t improve after a week.

You can book an appointment with the GP.

Further information on how to treat a sore throat yourself .

Tetanus Injection

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse/ HCA (Health Care Assistant)/Treatment Room Nurse.

You can either book an appointment with the appropriate healthcare professional or, alternatively please phone the surgery to arrange your appointment.

Further information about tetanus, available from NHS UK.

Thrush (Vaginal)

Who do I see?
Self-Help Advice/Community Pharmacy/Sexual Health Clinic

You find information on the NHS help page. You can also search for your nearest community pharmacist. If you are sexually active, you can also visit your local Sexual Health Clinic.

Travel Vaccinations

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse

Please book an appointment, at least 6 weeks  or more before travelling.

You can book an appointment with the Practice Nurse.

NHS guide to Travel vaccinations

Vaginal Discharge

Who do I see?
Sexual Health Clinic/Practice Nurse/GP

You can search for your nearest community pharmacist.

If you are sexually active, you can visit your local Sexual Health Clinic.

You can book an appointment with the Practice Nurse/GP.

Further information about vaginal discharge available from NHS UK.

Vitamin B12 Injection

Who do I see?
Practice Nurse or HCA (Health Care Assistant)/Treatment Room Nurse

You can either book an appointment with the appropriate healthcare professional, or alternatively please phone the surgery to arrange your appointment.

Further information about Vitamin B12 or folate deficiency anaemia, available from NHS UK.

Warfarin Monitoring

Who do I see?
Referral required

If you are taking warfarin blood thinning tablets, we can refer you for this service.

You can book an appointment with your Doctor.

Further information about warfarin, available from NHS UK.