To book an appointment or request a change of appointment please click here
Receiving a breast screening appointment text message reminder
To receive a text message reminder for your routine breast screening appointment please email with your: full name, date of birth and reference number beginning AGA from screening invitation letter (if possible). No information collected will be shared with any third parties.
How do I contact you to change or cancel my appointment?
You can contact us via the online appointment system, by telephoning us on 0191 445 2554 or emailing
When should I contact you to change my appointment?
Please contact us to change your appointment if:
- You have shingles / other illnesses that might effect your attendance. e.g. flu.
- You can not attend due to the time, date or venue.
- You have had another breast mammogram in the past 6 months.
- You have difficulty managing stairs independently and are booked onto a mobile unit.
- You use a wheel chair and are booked onto a mobile unit.
- You need support to dress / undress.
- You are prescribed Warfarin medication
- You are currently a breast cancer patient in your 5 year follow up.
What happens at my screening appointment?
At your appointment the reception staff will confirm your details and give you information about how you will receive your results, before showing you to a waiting area. From the waiting area a mammographer will take you to a private changing room. All of our mammographers are female.
What questions will I be asked at my appointment?
- In private you will be asked to confirm your name and address, asked some questions about your health, these include;
- Are you still having periods and if so when was your last period?
- Are you taking HRT? (hormone replacement therapy)
- Do you take any anti coagulant drugs, e.g. Aspirin or warfarin?
- Do you have any current breast symptoms?
- If this is your first screening mammogram, have you had any previous mammograms or problems with your breasts?
Will I need to take off my clothes at my appointment?
In the changing room you will need to remove clothes from above your waist. It is best to wear separates such as a skirt or trousers and top rather than a dress. You then put a cardigan or coat around your shoulders while you wait in the changing room. We do not provide gowns so a cardigan or coat will help keep you covered and warm.
What happens in the x-ray room?
You are then shown into the x-ray room. Here the female mammographer will show you the equipment used to carry out the mammogram. If you have any questions about the test please ask the mammographer. The mammographer usually takes two x-rays of each breast, with additional x-rays if necessary. For the test the mammographer will put you into the correct position for the mammogram. To complete the mammogram the breasts are held firmly, one at a time, between two flat plates. The pressure can feel a little uncomfortable but only lasts a few seconds.
What happens once the mammogram is done?
Once the test is complete the mammographer will direct you back to the changing room. You will then be able to get dressed and leave the unit.
How quickly will I get my results?
Results are posted out to your home address within two – three weeks.
How long will my appointment take?
The whole process normally takes less than 30 minutes, with the actual mammogram taking about five minutes.