Our ‘Top 6’ health and social care news

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Our ‘Top 6’ health and social care news

It’s all going on in the world of health and care, so here are our ‘Top 6’

1. Cases of Measles in the UK are on the rise

The UK has seen a rise in the number of people catching measles.

Follow this link to see the signs and symptoms.

Measles can be prevented through two doses of the MMR vaccine, which is offered free by the NHS to all young children in the UK. But there has been a fall in vaccination rates which is leaving more children vulnerable to infection.

Follow this link to find out how to book a vaccination appointment.

But is the vaccine safe? Watch the short video below and if you are still worried or have questions, speak to your GP practice:

2. Can’t find an NHS Dentist?

Our team are taking more calls and speaking to more people across the city who can’t find an NHS Dentist. Unfortunately this is a national issue and only the advice we are able to give at the moment is:

1. Contact your local dental practices on a regular basis to see if they are taking on new NHS patients.

2. If you find yourself in a dental emergency (have facial swelling or severe pain) you can contact 111 either by phone or online and they will be able to support you.

3. If you are lucky enough to have an NHS dentist make sure you go for your regular check-ups and keep any scheduled appointments.

3. Cancer patients use their experiences to team up with students to create cookbook

Patients treated for head and neck cancer are helping others through a new cook book to help reignite their love of food.

Surgery and treatment can impact on the long term ability to taste, swallow and make saliva. To help patients discover ways of enjoying food again, South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust and the University of Sunderland have collaborated to publish a cookbook.

Read on!

4. Are you looking for help with weight management?

The Sunderland Weight Management programme is a 26-week programme designed to provide you with support around weight management, physical activity, healthy food choices and wellbeing.

If you are interested in joining the programme or would like to see if you’re eligible, hit the button below:

You weight management journey starts here!

5. Alcohol is a direct cause of seven different types of cancer

Dr David Cummins, a North East GP and Clinical Lead for Cancer and Planned Care, explains how alcohol can cause at least seven types of cancer. Watch the short video below to learn more:

6. Telecare Scam Alert!

Sunderland Care and Support have been alerted to a scam where people with Telecare services in place are being phoned and told that their current provider is no longer in business, or that they need to pay to keep their service.

The caller claims to be from the new provider and they ask for bank details to set up a new direct debit.

Sunderland Care and Support and other providers of telecare services will never cold call and ask for bank details in such a way.

If you believe you are the victim of a fraud, report to Action Fraud by calling 0300 123 2040 or visit: Action Fraud

We are here to help!

If you have any health & social care questions
contact us

Tel: 0191 514 7145

Text only: 07418 364 340

