Health Coach

Health Coach

What is Health Coaching?

Many things can affect your health and wellbeing. We know that it can take more than medicine to help you get better.

From time to time we all need support with making lifestyle changes that can improve our health and quality of life.

The health and wellbeing coaches support people to make these changes through having coaching conversations which focus on supporting personalised goals.

What support can I get?

Many of life’s problems can make you feel unwell. We can help you with a range of things like:

  • Healthy lifestyle choices
  • Managing long-term health conditions
  • Healthy Weight
  • Quit Smoking

Health and wellbeing coaches can be an effective intervention for people experiencing a range of long-term conditions, including respiratory, cardiovascular (including type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure), and stress/low mood. They can also support people with weight management, diet and increasing activity levels.

What are the benefits?

  • Improve your mental and Physical health
  • Get involved in your community
  • Meet new people
  • Increase self-confidence and self-esteem
  • Better quality of life

Health coaching can support people to make healthier lifestyle choices, and encourages prevention of new conditions, as well as helping with existing health conditions or issues.

Evidence suggests health coaching has a positive impact on the outcomes of patients with chronic diseases such as, diabetes, hypertension, obesity and heart disease.

Click here for more information on how a Health Coach can help you (NHS England » Supported self-management: health coaching guide)

Making a Referral

*Please note all fields are required

What happens next?

A member of the team will contact you within 10 working days, if you have not heard back within this time please contact your GP Practice.

This is not a urgent service, if you or someone you know is in crisis please go to 111.